Well Watered

I’m not good with plants. I want to be, but I’m not.  You my be reading and think you too aren’t good with plants. Or maybe you’re thinking “Oh it’s not that hard, just get a succulent, they barely need anything.” Here’s the thing, I’m so not good with plants that I have killed succulents.…

A Fullness of Grit + Grace

It was our fourth online gathering and with each week I could tell we were adjusting more and grieving the inability to gather in person more. Our backgrounds were becoming increasingly familiar- mint painted walls in one screen, throw pillows with hues of blue in another, the ceiling fan in yet another, the soft lavender…

Constant Grace

I hadn’t fully adjusted to the time change. I felt well rested, but it was a little before 6am CST and I was in bed scrolling through local coffee shops, scrolling past the list of nearby Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts until a smattering of local independently owned coffee shops appeared. I scanned to see which…